Divulgative events on disruptive technologies and strategies

Divulgative events on disruptive technologies and strategies

Last saturday, Rete delle Case del Quartiere together with the Municipality of Turin presented the first divulgative event focused on giving a general idea and facilitating a first approach to disruptive technologies used in the framework of CO3 project. The first event concerned Augmented reality and Gamification and is one of the events called “Divulgative events on disruptive technologies and strategies”.

The speeches were given by Federico Biggio, doctoral student at the Philosophy department (Dipartimento di Eccellenza) of the University of Turin, and Antonella Frisiello, Senior researcher at Links Foundation.

Federico Biggio presented the speech “Augmented reality and Smart cities: Implications, opportunities, values” mentioning that augmented reality is  not just a technology for entertainment, it is also used in an industrial setting, museums, cities, etc. A fundamental part of the CO3 project involves university campuses, third sector, retailers, artists and other relevant stakeholders, in a process of mobilisation, mutual learning and doing things together with augmented reality. 

Antonella Frisiello on her part gave details of how  gamification is used in the CO3 project as a strategy to engage citizens in her speech “Gamification in the city. Modes, applications, questions on a playful approach to services “. The objective is to incentivize the user to participate in the process and catch their interest to continue interacting with the CO3 platform. Gamification is mainly backed by psychological methods rather than graphical design methods.

The event was live-streamed using zoom. 

A second event will take place next Saturday, the 28th of November at 10.30 (CET), with a focus on Blockchain Technology. You can follow the event at this link:  https://zoom.us/j/91804838135

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The CO3 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 2019-2021 under grant agreement No 822615. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.