IRI presents the uses cases at the Paris pilot scenario.

IRI presents the uses cases at the Paris pilot scenario.

IRI describes the use of the technologies during the pilot tests in each of its three scenarios. For the first scenario, contributive clinic, it is proposed the creation of a geolocalized social network (based on FirstLife) between parents. This network can be used to share information with the participation of individual citizens, associations, and public health institutions such as PMIs. This decision is in response to the growing situation of single-parent families in the Plaine de Commune who are concerned about raising their children. In order to provide a mechanism for discussion at each of the events created in FirstLife, direct integration with Liquidfeedback is proposed. Is there where discussions will continue with the required initiatives so that parents can support their arguments or consultations.

To achieve this goal, IRI will conduct different workshops with PMI’s so that they can begin mapping events in FirstLife and guide parents who show interest inviting them to the system to collaborate. On the other hand, IRI will propose this to the FCPE, an entity with a broader area of influence, since it is the administration that includes the different parents’ associations.

The second scenario, Urban modeling, focused on the construction of the Olympic village by 2024. The idea is to combine AR’s technology to 3D objects, to be able to see the designs that have been elaborated by citizens at each location by employing IRI tools (SketchUp, BIM..). To recover the AR objects, a set of anchors placed in each position is used. The discussion of each design or design proposal will be elaborated within the CO3 module of LiquidFeeback related to that anchor on the map. This means that the designs can be improved with the suggestions and support of each group of citizens. 

In order to obtain a global view of what is being designed in the area, he proposes the use of FirstLife so that citizens are quickly aware of what is going on in their environment.

Global view of urban modelling scenario by using a three layer interface.

IRI counts on the collaboration of architectural studios such as O’zone , ICI, and 3HC, as well as other professionals, to be able to elaborate detailed designs from mockups created by students and other citizens. Therefore, it stipulates that both sides are beneficiated, the students by making their ideas known, as well as designers from obtaining other points of view on possible designs.

Infographic of the enabled interactions with CO3 at the Urban Modeling use case.

Finally, IRI presented the third scenario, “Blockchain Knowledge Registry” which focuses on building a knowledge repository and knowledge accreditation. This scenario is highly dependent on the blockchain module of the CO3 platform since it offers the possibility to group the knowledge in an agglomerative way. This scenario aims to combat the growing unemployment rate due to automation. That is why the training of citizens by the action of sharing knowledge by others with expertise in some area is the way that IRI managers see as viable for reducing unemployment. The use of blockchain to record what has been learned and the origin of the knowledge in order to give the appropriate recognition/badges in some cases. FirstLife is proposed to map the different citizens with their area of expertise on a map.

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The CO3 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 2019-2021 under grant agreement No 822615. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.