Turin’s pilot: Lessons learned from the implementation of disruptive technologies 3/3

Turin’s pilot: Lessons learned from the implementation of disruptive technologies 3/3

At the end of last March, CO3project carried out the analysis on the lessons learned in the implementation of disruptive technologies. The following article is the last of three localized analytical summaries: Turin’s pilot case

co3project: Lessons learned from Turin's pilot

The pilot in Turin is focused on the co-creation and co-design of services inside three urban commons, part of the Rete delle Case del Quartiere network. The Case del Quartiere (“Houses of the Neighborhood”) are multi-functional community hubs located in different areas of the city of Turin; most of them (including the three involved in the CO3 Pilot) are hosted by buildings owned by the City of Turin, and they are managed by non-profit organisations. They are very different in their structure, however, they all fulfill common characteristics written in Rete delle Case del Quartiere’s manifesto: they do not focus on any particular target or field of activity and are open to everybody, they are places of active participation, they encourage people to take part in the social and cultural life of the neighborhood and the city through different forms of active citizenship, volunteering and cultural activities. They are places where people look for and experiment new ways of planning and managing social welfare policies and activities, developing proximity-based networks, and finding collective solutions to common needs. In the framework of CO3, four different use cases of the CO3 technologies, all part of the same scenario, have been designed together with the managing bodies of the three Case del Quartiere and with associations and citizens participating in their daily activities.

In the first use case, carefully chosen rooms and halls of the 3 Case del Quartiere will allow users to access augmented reality and create, visualize, interact with augmented content of different types; informational and cultural content in the form of pictures and videos, 3d objects representing blockchain entities such as coins or vouchers, 3d objects representing volunteering tasks requested by the CdQ managers or by associations that organize activities in the CdQ and 3d objects representing courses, events, or other activities for which users will be able to register.

The second use case consists in the creation of a blockchain coin for each of the three Case del Quartiere, in the form of a prepaid card. Citizens and organisations will be able to buy the House’s currency and to manage their prepaid cards through the Blockchain wallet.The wallet will also enable users to create and exchange different kinds of tokens and coupons, representing goods, services, a discount for the fee of a course, services on hold… The wallet also supports crowdfunding and crowdsale initiatives.

In the third use case the CO3 technologies will support the management of volunteering activities. In the Case del Quartiere, as places of active citizenship, many volunteering activities take place regularly, organised either by their managing bodies or by organisations hosted in the Houses. The CO3 app will enable the creation and advertisement of volunteering activities, that will be displayed as 3D objects in the Augmented Reality layer. Users will be able to register interacting with the 3D object. Upon completion of the volunteering task,  the person in charge of the activity will then acknowledge the volunteers’ contribution by sending them blockchain tokens through the wallet.

The last use case will enable the citizens’ participation in the decision making process at different stages of the definition of the yearly program of the Case del Quartiere. Through the use of coins or decision tokens issued specifically for this purpose, citizens will be able to express their preferences about courses, events, workshops and cultural activities. Due to the covid-19 pandemic the Turin pilot hasn’t started yet. However, some of the main possible problems in the pilot implementation have been identified:

Figure 1 – People inside the ACA using their smartphone to explore the augmented content
  • The user interface must be simple and capable of actually making the organisations’ and citizens’ interaction in the Case del Quartiere easier and more effective, otherwise the CO3 app will not be used.
  • The augmented reality technology has high requirements in terms of smartphone performance, and the smartphones needed to run the AR app may not be available to many of the citizens/organisations.
  • The use of blockchain technology for payments is very recent and all the legal and fiscal aspects have to be made very clear so that all the organisations involved can feel confident in its use.
  • The choice of blockchain payments instead of traditional payments, the purchase of Case del Quartiere coins by the public, the adoption of the coins by organisations need incentives on both sides (citizens and organisations),
  • The Covid 19 restrictions (the Case del Quartiere as cultural and recreational centres are currently closed, only the educational and social services are open) require a change in the approach of CO3, which originally required physical presence to interact with the App; corrections are needed in order to allow remote actions in this period of social distancing.

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The CO3 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 2019-2021 under grant agreement No 822615. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.