Pilot specific evaluation methods in Athens

Pilot specific evaluation methods in Athens

In order to provide an incremental view on how the evaluation process has been defined and organized in the three cities considering the advent of the COVID emergency during the execution of CO3 project.

Pilot recap and updates considering COVID-19

Context: Like any other European country, Greece has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic since February 2020 and a series of restrictive measures aimed to contrast and limit the diffusion of the virus have been taken. However, the restriction measures in Greece started to be mitigated in May 2021.

Scenarios and engagement plans: two scenarios for Athens pilot have been proposed:

  1. “Grocery on Hold”, referring to the social distribution of quality food excess. It takes place at flea markets located in 2 Athenian neighbourhoods – in Patisia and Kolonaki – with the involvement of customers, producers of the products that own benches in the market, and the services beneficiaries (namely, citizens with social and financial needs).  
  2. “Empty Buildings”, referring to the open debate on the potential re-usability of empty buildings, through the mapping of empty buildings of the city by citizens, and the proposition of potential uses with the active involvement of municipal employees of the urban planning agency

The COVID emergency affected to a minimum extent the operation of the flea markets: less producers with benches per flea market, each flea market was actually divided in two sub-markets in the same locality to tackle social distancing of producers and customers. In general though since the flea market continued to operate we were able to start the pilot.

Most importantly, the COVID emergency  induced obstacles in the continuation of the activities based on group meetings, namely the preparatory activities and the engagement plans for Athens Pilot 2 which was based on a board game session.

Nonetheless the main strategy and activities for the implementation of the two scenarios have not changed, but the timeline of execution is extended. Consequently, the preparatory phase was prolonged and the actual pilot execution started with a time-shift, mainly for the second scenario.


Scenario 1 – Grocery on holds

Athens scenario 1 main hypothesis and sub hypothesis
The capabilities afforded by CO3 Wallet Application and Coopbox can help create and maintain a service where citizens contribute to groceries provision to citizens in need.Mainblockchain
Citizens will be eager to contribute economically to the on-hold food provision service (Hesitation, Purpose, Trust to the service)Citizenblockchain
Producer will be positive on selling products through the on-hold food provision serviceProducerblockchain
Citizen in need are willing to shop with tokens through the on-hold food provision serviceBeneficiaryblockchain
Users will accept to use the CO3 Wallet ApplicationTechnologyblockchain
The service will be feasible to sustain within the greek legal and accounting frameworkConditionsblockchain
The service will be adopted by municipalityPublic Authoritiesblockchain
The service will be adopted by commonersCommonersblockchain
Athens scenario 1 disruptive hypothesis




Citizens/donors will more be eager to contribute economically to the on-hold food provision service

Contribute with material to foodbanks from social initiatives (e.g. Allos Anthropos, Mirmigi, Steps)


Citizens in need prefer to be able to shop with tokens than get groceries from foodbank

They get groceries from KYADA and Social Initiatives (e.g. theCupboard, Mimigi)


Producers are more eager to conceptate the digital tokens from the wallet than the paper food stamps

The Prefecture of Attica and the Union of Sellers provided paper stamps to buy groceries in flea market


The city prefers to support the co-produced food provision by citizens than run services supported by private company donors

KYADA food provision is mostly funded by private company donations

Public Authorities

Scenario 2 – Empty Buildings

Athens scenario 2 main hypothesis and sub hypothesis




The capabilities afforded by CO3 AR app and FL could engage citizens to participate in collaboratory urban planning


AR & First Life

Serious gaming, gamification and AR can make it challenging/interesting for citizens to participate in the service



Educate citizens about the management of urban space and processes about it



AR and LF are inclusive for broad population


AR & Liquid Feedback

The service could create a discourse about the city between citizens and public authorities


Liquid Feedback

Discourse created from the service is fruitful for the public authorities (added value, realistic)

Public Authorities

Liquid Feedback

Proposals from the service are adopted by the municipality

Public Authorities


Both citizen and PA through service they get a better understanding of the urban environment



AR will help map items in the urban environment / FL help visualization



The asynchrony of discussion in Liquid Feedback will help citizens and public authorities to express ideas and make decisions


Liquid Feedback


Athens scenario 2 disruptive hypothesis




Citizen will map their needs in the city through AR + FL

Technical agency of the city does research on what is needed


Participatory workshop with FL and LF are used to deliberate upon proposals by citizens

The city makes a network and invites groups for discussions or there is an online form for citizens’ feedback


Evaluation actions

Scenario 1 – Grocery on holds

Twelve evaluation actions have been defined for the Grocery on holds scenario. Three of them can be evaluated through the analysis of CO3 platform / pilot specific data. The others are the results of data collected through the interaction with relevant stakeholders in workshops, interviews/questionnaires and focus groups. Usage data can mainly contribute to the evaluation of economic factors. Workshops, focus groups and interviews can be used to collect additional qualitative feedbacks from end-users about the usefulness of the CO3 application.Two actions are addressed to gain relevant information about the legal implications while the others are focused on the socio-cultural sphere in addition to the economic one.

Athens scenario 1 evaluation actions




Volume of tokens raised

Usage Data [W1]


Ask citizens why they donated (or why not)

Short Interviews & Questionnaire


Volume of tokens consumed

Usage Data [W2]


Number of Producers

Pilot specific data[1]


Ask producer why they participated (or why not)

Short Interviews & Questionnaire


Legal barriers to producer participation

Legal Report


Ask beneficiaries if they are positive on using tokens

Short Interviews > Questionnaire


Technology Acceptance of Wallet

UTAUT Survey


Is the service feasible with Legal/Accounting framework

Legal Report


Opinion of municipality officials

Experts Interview


Opinion of commoners

Focus Group/Workshop


Producers asked to compare with food stamps

Short Interviews > Questionnaire

Economic, Sociocultural

[1] it is a pilot specific data not collected by the app, but known by the pilot manager

Scenario 2 – Empty Buildings

Thirteen evaluation actions have been defined for the Empty Buildings scenario. The majority of the actions address sociocultural aspects and three of them can be evaluated through the quantitative analysis of usage data. The specificity of this case is related to the fact that two evaluation actions refer to the board game that has been conceived in order to make an  “off-line” test of the scenario. Moreover, while usage data can be used to evaluate mainly socio-cultural factors, data collected through workshops, focus groups and interviews can be used to collect additional qualitative feedback from end-users about the usefulness of the CO3 application. In this case one evaluation action is addressed to evaluate the solution from a legal perspective.

Athens scenario 2 evaluation actions




Items mapped (How many? Which type?)

Usage Data [FL.2, FL.3, FL4]


Badges earned by participants

Usage Data [G1]


How many proposals and comments on LF

Usage Data [LF.1, LF.2]


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The CO3 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 2019-2021 under grant agreement No 822615. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.